The Vampire Diaries & The Originals Fanon Wiki
This article is about Bonnie Fogerty, the daughter of Jacob and Elena Fogerty. You may be looking for Bonnie Bennett, Jacob and Elena's bestfriend and Bonnie's namesake..
This article, Bonnie Fogerty, is the sole property of JL the superhuman and cannot be used, edited, or referenced without their permission, with the exception of collaboration articles, whereas terms listed above are unserviceable.
My daddy is my best friend, and I am his.
— {{{2}}}

Bonnie Hayley Rebekah Fogerty is a character created by JL the Superhuman. She is the vampire daughter of Jacob Fogerty and Elena Gilbert. She is the granddaughter of Albert Fogerty, Annette Fell, John Gilbert, and Isobel Flemming; and the step-granddaughter of Alaric Saltzman. She is the niece of Jeremy Gilbert and the step-niece of Josie and Lizzie Saltzman. She is also the grand-niece of Meredith Fell, Grayson Gilbert, and Miranda Sommers and the adoptive grand-niece of Jenna Sommers.

Bonnie is named after her parents' best friend, Bonnie Bennett. Her middle names are Hayley and Rebekah after her father's other best friends, Hayley Marshall-Kenner and Rebekah Mikaelson and she takes her surname of her father's side.

Bonnie is a member of the Fogerty Family, the Gilbert Family, the Fell Family, and the Petrova Family. She also has ties to the Saltzman Family and the Mikaelson Family through her parents.


Bonnie was conceived while her parents were attending Whitmore College and

Throughout The Vampire Diaries[]

In The Downward Spiral,

In I'll Wed You in the Golden Summertime,

In This Woman's Work,

In We're Planning a June Wedding,

In I Was Feeling Epic,

Throughout The Originals[]

In The Tale of Two Wolves,

Throughout Legacies[]

In Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn, Bonnie gets into trouble after biting a student on the opposing team. In Hope is Not the Goal, Bonnie first appears when Hope and the rest of the Super Squad go to Mystic Falls High in order to investigate the disappearance of Dana Lilien and Sasha Stoteraux. Bonnie instantly recognized Hope, Lizzie, and Landon. Hope being her godsister, Lizzie being her step-aunt, and Landon being her friend from before he moved away.

In There's a World Where Your Dreams Came True, Bonnie appears in Lizzie's second wish reality, one where the Salvatore school was never built and both Lizzie and Josie have to attend Mystic Falls High.

Bonnie first appears when Lizzie shows up for her history class, which Bonnie's step-grandfather, who is also Lizzie's father; is the history teacher, who is currently day drunk. Bonnie is mentioned later on, when Josie confronts Lizzie about getting their father's watch. Who, according to Josie; got it from Bonnie Fogerty's father, Jacob Fogerty.

Bonnie appears again later at the school dance, which both Lizzie and Josie attend. Bonnie is one of the witnesses of Josie and Lizzie's argument and Lizzie accidently revealing her magic through a breakdown. She is later compelled to forget about Lizzie revealing magic by Kaleb.

In This Year Will Be Different,

In You Remind Me of Someone I Used to Know,

In Since When Do You Speak Japanese?,

In Hold on Tight,

In This is What It Takes,

In To Whom It May Concern,

In Yup, It's a Leprechaun, All Right,

In Long Time, No See,

In Do All Malivore Monsters Provide This Level of Emotional Insight?,,

In All's Well That Ends Well,

In One Day You Will Understand,


Bonnie is so much like her father. Kind, caring, funny and strong willed.
— Hope about Bonnie

Bonnie has a very bubbly personality which she claims comes from her mother but is also known to have her father's temper when provoked. She does not to take kindly to bullies and has got into several of fights when defending her younger sister, Caroline and godsister Hope. Bonnie is also known to speak her mind whenever she believes in somebody or something.

Physical Appearance[]

Main article: Bonnie Fogerty/Appearance

Bonnie is a very beautiful young lady. Most of her friends claim she gets her looks from her mother while others believe she looks like her father.


Jacob Fogerty[]

Main Article: Jacob and Bonnie


Jacob is Bonnie's father.

Elena Gilbert[]

Main Article: Elena and Bonnie


Elena is Bonnie's mother.

Caroline Fogerty[]

Bonnie and Caroline

Bonnie with her sister Caroline

Caroline is Bonnie's younger sister. Bonnie is closest to Caroline most out of all her sisters as she is the closest in age to her. Though like normal sibling relationships, Bonnie and Caroline do have their occasional fights. They attend the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted along with Hope and their nieces Lizzie and Josie.

Hayley Marshall-Kenner[]

Main article: Hayley and Bonnie
Take care of your father, Bonnie
— {{{2}}}
Hayley Beast

Hayley is one of Bonnie's godparents and was very close to her

Other Relationships[]


  • Bonnie is a feminine first name of Scottish or Scots-Irish origin which means "pretty", "beautiful", "charming" or "attractive".[1]
  • Rebekah is a feminine name of Hebrew origin (רבקה). The name means "to tie". *It's a biblical name, of the wife of Isaac and mother of Esau and Jacob. Alternate version of it is Rebecca.[2]
  • Fogerty is a surname of Irish origins, being derived from the native Irish Ó Fogartaigh. The original spelling is Fogarty.


