First Encounter | |
Season One, Episode 1 | |
Written by | JL the superhuman |
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First Encounter is the first fanfiction episode of The Fogerty Diaries
It was the first day of school for the Mystic Falls Gang, including their friend, Jacob Fogerty. Jacob is the son of Albert Fogerty and Annette Fell.
Jacob is driving to school in his 1972 Chevy Nova that his was gifted to him by his father due to good grades and the hard work around the house. He gets a call from Annette, who asks if he's made it to school yet. "I just past the cemetery, but I'm almost there." Jacob said. "Okay honey. You be safe and tell Elena we said hi." says Annette. "I will mom! Got to go. Love you." said Jacob. "I love you too Cub. See you when you get home." Annette said. Jacob hangs up just as he arrives in the school parking lot.
"Major lack of male real estate." Bonnie told Elena as the two of them walked towards their lockers. "Look at the shower curtain on Kelly Beech." Bonnie continued to speak as said student, Kelly Beech, walked past them. "She looks like a hot — can I still say "a huge mess"?" Bonnie asked. As they talked, neither of them noticed that their other best friend, Jacob Fogerty, hasn't shown up yet.
"No, that's over." Elena told Bonnie.
"Ahh, find a man, coin a phrase. It's a busy year." Bonnie said.
Both Bonnie and Elena saw Matt Donovan, Elena's ex-boyfriend, and Elena attempted to wave to him. But Matt ignored her. Elena then sighed before saying, "He hates me."
"That's not hate. That's 'you dumped me, but I'm too cool to show it, but secretly I'm listening to Air Supply's greatest hits.'” Bonnie told Elena, trying to reassure her best friend that her ex didn't hate her, but was just sad over the breakup four months ago.
Caroline, another one of their best friends besides Jacob, approached both girls. As she walked towards them, she said, "Elena. Oh my god." Caroline then pulled Elena into a huge hug and let go before asking , "How are you? Oh, it's so good to see you." Caroline then turned to talk to Bonnie, How is she? Is she good?”
Elena, kind of annoyed that Caroline was asking Bonnie questions about her like she wasn't right here, said, “Caroline, I’m right here. And I’m fine. Thank you.”
“Really?” Caroline asked.
“Yes. Much better.” Elena told Caroline, while also trying to convince herself that it was true.
“Oh, you poor thing” Caroline said, as she brought Elena into a hug once more. Caroline then looked around and noticed Jacob walking towards them.
“Jacob!" Caroline shouted in excitement as she pulls her friend in for a hug. "Hey Care-Bear. I've missed your hugs while I was away." Jacob said happily. "B
“Nope. Haven’t seen him yet.” Bonnie answered.
“Yeah, I haven’t seen him at all today yet either, Caroline.“ Elena told Caroline. “I don’t know where he could be.”
Caroline then nodded her head before walking off in search of her older brother. Hoping that she’ll find him. That is when it dawned on Elena that tomorrow would be the tenth anniversary of Jacob's mother's death, a decade since she died.
Meanwhile, Jeremy was currently outside. Hanging out with Vicki, Matt Donovan's older sister who does drugs.
Jeremy currently had pills in his hand and was talking to Vicki, he told her, “Don’t take more than two in a six hour window.”
Vicki then proceeded to take the pills from Jeremy and popped two of them into her mouth. That is when resident jock, Tyler Lockwood, decided to show up.
“Hey, Vicki.” Tyler said. “I knew I’d find you here with the crackheads.”
“Hey.” Vicki said in response.
Tyler then turned to Jeremy and said, “Hey Pete Wentz called. He wants his nail polish back.”
Jeremy then gave him a look before saying, “Pete Wentz, huh? How old school T.R.L. of you. Carson Daly fan?”
Vicki then decided to lightly intervene, “Oh, Ty, be nice. That’s Elena’s little brother.” Vicki added in that last bit as, even if she disliked the girl for breaking her little brother’s heart, Elena was still one of Tyler's childhood friends.
Tyler, currently not caring, replied, “I know who he is. I’ll still kick his ass.” Tyler then proceeded to kiss Vicki, who then kissed him back.
At Mystic Falls Cemetery, Jacob was still lying still lying on the ground. Then all of a sudden, Jacob popped up, now transitioning into a vampire.
Jacob looked around very quickly. He was confused, he could hear everything moving around and it was overwhelming him and he was confused.
He also felt like he was benign and looked at his arms and saw they were starting to burn, he then ran into the woods, hoping that the shade would help.
Just what did that woman turn him into?
Meanwhile, Elena was currently sitting in history class, the class Mr. Tanner taught. Elena was worried about Jacob and why he wasn’t here.
Did he skip school or something? If so, that was very unlike him and not something Elena could ever see him doing.
Elena then pulled out her phone, as she decided she would text him and see what’s going on with him.
But then Elena here’s an “ahem.”
She looks up and see’s that it is Mr. Tanner and he’s holding his hand out, wanting her phone. Elena, sighing in defeat, begrudgingly put her phone in his hand and watched him put it in his desk, meaning she wouldn’t get it back 'til the end of the class.
Jacob was still confused and decided he couldn’t go to school like this and decided he’d head home and if Liz or Caroline asked him why he didn’t go to school. He’d make up a lie, which pained him as he never lied to either of them before.
He then started running home until his feet started making him go way faster than he expected and suddenly he was in front of his house. He walked up to the door and was thankful it was unlocked.
He then locked the door after getting inside and headed up to his shaded room. If he was going to figure out what was wrong, he was going to have to do some research.
Hours later, Caroline returns home after school, and hears a sudden noise coming from upstairs. "Jacob? Are you here buddy? It's me Caroline, your little sister" as she roams around the house.
She heads upstairs and finds Jacob sitting on his bed, though he becomes aware of Caroline's presence and greets her. "Hello my dear sister. Sorry I wasn't in school today, my stomach was hurting so I skipped today" Jacob says, as he'd just lied to his sister.
Later that night, Elena and the Mystic Falls gang head to Mystic Grill, where Vicki works as a bartender.
"Hey, Ty." Jacob says, as he greets his friends.
"Hey. Notice you weren't in school today. What happened?" Tyler replied. "I was attacked a blonde woman in the cemetery earlier today.'' Jacob tells Tyler.
"What were you doing in the cemetery?" Matt asks. "I was putting flowers on my mother's grave." Jacob gives his reply. "Is that all?" Matt asks. "As I was ready to leave, some blonde bitch attacked me." Jacob responded in worry. "You mean.." Matt wonders in confusion. "Not Caroline. She was at school. This one had sharp canines. Something tells me she's not human, but something more supernatural." Jacob says.
At the bonfire, Jacob sits alone until he's approached by Stefan. "Hey Stefan. Have you seen Elena anywhere? I need to apologize to her for skipping school." Jacob asks Stefan. "She's over there." Stefan responds as he sees the bitemarks on Jacob's neck. "You were attacked by something weren't you?" Stefan wonders. "Yeah, a blonde woman attacked me in the cemetery. She had sharp canines, but it's weird I initially bled to death, then all of the sudden I came back to life. That wasn't supposed to happen. I was always taught that once you leave Earth, you find eternal life, or sent straight to Hell for your sins." Jacob responds.
"Strange." Stefan replies, just as Bonnie and Elena approach them.
"Hey you." Bonnie happily says upon seeing Jacob. "Hey Bon Bon. Sorry I scared you yesterday." Jacob replies.
"Are you feeling any better today?" Bonnie asks, worrying about her friend. "Yeah, I just wish my mom was still here." Jacob responds. "I know you do buddy. She loved you, just as your friends do, especially Elena. You should talk to her." Bonnie replies.
"I'm going to give her some space tonight, plus she doesn't want to talk to me anyway. Not after yesterday." Jacob says, with a depressive tone.
"Jacob, don't say that. Elena cares about you. She's just worried about you. Tell her how you feel." Bonnie replies.
Eventually, Jacob asks for some space, which Bonnie agrees too, however he would end seeing the spirit of his dead mother, frightening him.