The Vampire Diaries & The Originals Fanon Wiki
Notice: This article uses content directly taken from the Freya Mikaelson article at the Vampire Diaries Wiki, and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.

Freya Mikaelson (Elder Futhark: ᚠᚱᛖᛃᚨ ᛗᛁᚲᚨᛖᛚᛋᛟᚾ) is a powerful witch. She was introduced as a recurring character in the second season and promoted to a main character on The Originals.

Freya is the firstborn child of Mikael and Esther, the elder sister of Finn, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, and Henrik, the maternal older half-sister of Klaus. She is the paternal aunt of Klaus and Hayley's daughter, Hope. She is the bereaved mother of her and Mathias' unborn son. Freya is also the wife of Keelin and the mother of their son, Nik.

Esther told Mikael that Freya had died of the plague while he was off hunting, when in fact her aunt Dahlia took her as payment for performing a fertility spell using Dark Magic that would allow Esther to have children. Dahlia allowed Freya to live planning to use her to brand a new form of power which she would absorb from the powerful Freya, casting a spell on her that causes her to hibernate for a hundred years to preserve her youth and to only age for a year upon awakening which is also presumably what Dahlia has done to preserve herself as well. Freya escaped from under Dahlia's wing and fled from her powerful aunt.

Centuries later, desperate to find out more about her family, she traveled to New Orleans in 1914 where she attended a Christmas party thrown by her siblings. Attending as her brother, Kol's date, she was witness to Klaus' cruelty when he staked Kol in front of the entire party. Freya then puts herself in a glass coffin in the Dowager Fauline Cottage where she then repeated her hibernation cycle until awaking December 31, 2012.

Entering a deep sleep that lasted a century, she awoke 100 years later where she discovered that her sister, Rebekah, had been imprisoned in the Asylum in the body of a young witch. Posing as an inmate, she witnessed Rebekah's confrontations with the Kindred and Cassie's betrayal. Using her magic, Freya saved Rebekah from the Kindred and broke the spell on the Asylum, freeing herself and Rebekah.

When Freya reunites with her brother Finn, he informs her of Hope's life, which inspires Freya (who wishes to take revenge against Dahlia for the deaths of her lover and son) to kill Dahlia in protection of her niece. In the end of hard long magical struggle (resulting in the death of both her parents), Freya and her younger siblings finally managed to defeat Dahlia, with Freya's finally winning her younger brothers trusts (especially Niklaus), and moving into their house as Hope's caretaker and an official Mikaelson sibling.

After a few months of peace in the supernatural community in New Orleans, trouble started again with the arrival of Lucien Castle, Klaus' first progeny, and his warnings of war between the sirelines, and so, Freya's enormous magical powers were needed again to protect her family from harm.

After the completion of the prophecy foretelling the downfall of her family, it seemed as though the entire family was going to die. She was poisoned, her brothers bitten by Marcel, and Rebekah hexed. Seeing no other choice in saving her family, Freya used Klaus as an anchor to a spell similar to the one Dahlia had cast on her to keep her breathing for a thousand years. Freya also created a Chambre de Chasse as a way to allow her family to be together whilst waiting for Hayley to find cures for all of them.

Freya is a member of the Mikaelson Family and an unnamed Witch Family.


Jacob Fogerty[]

Main article: Freya and Jacob

Jacob is a friend of Freya's. They met when Jacob came to New Orleans for a vacation with his daughters and Elena and the two instantly become friends. When Rebekah goes missing, Jacob asks Freya and her brother Elijah to help him find her giving their past history together. Freya would later see how Jacob acted with Hope and was glad to know that her niece was in good hands with him and Elena. After Jacob was ready to depart New Orleans, Freya thanked him for helping finding Rebekah and wished he and Elena could've stayed longer. They wouldn't speak again until Jacob gave Hayley a phone call checking up on her and the Mikaelson clan.
