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Notice: This article uses content directly taken from the Meredith Fell article at the Vampire Diaries Wiki, and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.
This article, Meredith Fell, is the sole property of JL the superhuman and cannot be used, edited, or referenced without their permission, with the exception of collaboration articles, whereas terms listed above are unserviceable.

Dr. Meredith Fell is a recurring character during Season Three and Season Four of the The Vampire Diaries. Meredith is a doctor who is intrigued by Alaric's powers of recovery and slowly grows to be fond of him. She becomes his love interest, but their relationship becomes complicated after Alaric becomes the Darkness.

After not being seen for seasons, Alaric later revealed that she moved to Alaska with her new husband, who's a pediatrician. This confirms that she had moved on with her life after Alaric's death.

Meredith is a member of the Fell Family, which makes her a member of the Town Council as well.

Early History[]

Meredith Fell is a doctor at Mystic Falls Hospital, a member of the Founding Families, and therefore a member of the Town Council. When Meredith was young her grandfather was attacked by a vampire. This was an awful event for her family, and her grandfather is still suffering from it today.

As a teenager, Meredith dated Brian Walters, but on her prom night he dumped her on Wickery Bridge. She never forgave him, nor did she ever get over her distaste for the bridge. Brian later became the medical examiner at Mystic Falls Hospital. He is also a member of the Town Council. After an argument with Meredith at the Wickery Bridge Restoration Fundraiser in the present day, Brian is mysteriously found dead the next morning in the woods with a stake through his heart and Meredith becomes one of the suspects.

As a doctor, Meredith often resorts to drinking after losing a patient. Because Meredith is aware of the healing properties of vampire blood, she often injects her patients with it to save them. Brian Walters was one of the few people that are privy to this information.

Throughout The Vampire Diaries Series[]

Season Three[]


Jacob Fogerty[]

Main article: Meredith and Jacob
"I shouldn't come to a surprise to you that
— {{{2}}}

Chace Crawford, actor

Meredith's nephew, Jacob

Jacob is Meredith's nephew, her sister Annette's son. Meredith was present at the hospital the night Jacob was born and got to hold her baby nephew. In Season Three, Meredith becomes Jacob's legal guardian when Annette dies due to her illness

Later on, Jacob and his aunt Meredith go their separate ways; as Jacob is staying Mystic Falls and later on heading to college at Whitmore, meanwhile Meredith has decided to move to Alaska and live there with her new husband, who is also Jacob's new uncle.
