The Vampire Diaries & The Originals Fanon Wiki
This article, Supernatural Human, is the sole property of JL the Superhuman and cannot be used, edited, or referenced without their permission, with the exception of collaboration articles, whereas terms listed above are unserviceable.

NOTE: These are not related to supernatural hunters.

Supernatural Humans are a rare subspecies of humans born with supernatural abilities every century.

Early History[]

Supernatural humans originated during the 10th century around the same time as the Original family.

Powers & Abilities[]

  • Super Strength: Like other supernatural beings, supernatural humans are stronger than normal humans; however, they're also considered to be as strong as non-Original vampires and werewolves, however they are not as strong as Original vampires nor their brethren but are able to temporarily fight them off. A supernatural human's strength can increase after being turned into an Advanced Original Vampire therefore making them stronger than any other vampires including the Original family or increase with age.
  • Enhanced Speed: Supernatural humans are notably faster than any normal human and are able to dodge attacks from other supernatural beings.
  • Healing Factor: Supernatural humans are able to heal faster than normal humans with the exception being broken bones and most illnesses.
  • Super Agility: Like most other supernatural beings, supernatural humans have super-human agility and are able to leap very far, react quickly, run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion. For example, Jacob demonstrated multiple flips from different positions.

Physical Appearance[]

Known Supernatural Humans[]
